It started off very weak and almost not there. Here and there they lay scattered like the toys of an overjoyed infant. Somewhere a drop or two lay transparent on the dark surface of the Earth. There were more but they wren’t meant to be spotted. The dark electric bodies rolled on and about across the expanse of the skies bringing with them the dust from the West and the billowing wind from the North. At some point the dark bodies seemed to disappear completely leaving the heavens bare and naked with their vulnerable blue color, screaming for help.

The dark clouds seemed to be planning their attack as they occupied themselves with calling in for allies. Joining hands they marched on-wards clothing the naked heavens and dragging along with them their weapons. Trudging forward they bathed and clothed the heavens and prepared for battle. Cowering with fear The Sun hurried off to the west coast searching for shelter. Holding in their breaths, the dark bodies summoned their anger.

It was war from them on.

They blew and raged! It was not wind but worse than a hurricane. Electric fire burst from the dark bodies along with their water. Eyes shining brighter than blazing coal embers they wrecked and screamed. Joining forces and sending electric bursts in the galaxies they scanned the planets for movements. Opening their sinewy ghost arms, they welcomed the showers of burning water on their invisible bodies.

Trees caught flames, bodies were tossed in the air and the chaos was music to their ears. Listening to the humans shriek in agony and terror gave them the same pleasure an expectant mother would get from hearing her infant’s first cries. This was no hurricane, storm, earthquake! It was hell. Sent from above to those who earned it.

Doomsday had arrived and the heavens were bathed in flesh and blood. It was no longer just a storm.